It is generally okay to check your credit score. In fact, it is a good idea to check your credit score regularly to make sure that the information on your credit report is accurate and up to date. Checking your credit score will not negatively impact your credit score. there are many benefits to checking your credit score from time to time:
Several Reasons Why you Might want to Check your Credit Score
- To monitor your credit: Checking your credit score regularly can help you identify any changes or discrepancies in your credit report, and take steps to correct any errors. This can help you maintain a good credit score and improve your creditworthiness.
- To prepare for a major financial event: If you are planning to apply for a mortgage, car loan, or another major loan, it is a good idea to check your credit score before you apply. This can help you understand your creditworthiness and identify any issues that may need to be addressed before you apply.
- To improve your credit: If you are working to improve your credit, checking your credit score regularly can help you track your progress and identify areas where you may need to focus your efforts.
There are several ways to check your credit score, including:
- Credit card companies: Many credit card companies offer free credit scores to their customers as a benefit of using their cards. To check your credit score through your credit card company, you will need to log in to your credit card account and look for a credit score or credit monitoring feature. This feature is usually available through the credit card company’s online account portal or mobile app. Once you’ve found the feature, you should be able to view your credit score for free. If you are unable to find a credit score or credit monitoring feature on your credit card company’s website or mobile app, you may want to contact their customer service department for assistance.
- Credit reporting agencies: Credit reporting agencies, also known as credit bureaus or consumer reporting agencies, are companies that collect and maintain information about an individual’s credit history. This information is used to create a credit report, which is a detailed record of an individual’s credit history.
- Online credit score services: Online credit score services are companies that offer credit scores and credit reports to consumers over the internet. These services typically charge a fee for access to credit scores and credit reports, but some offer free trials or limited access to credit scores for free. There are many online credit score services available, and they may use different credit scoring models and sources of credit information. Some services offer additional features, such as credit monitoring, alerts, and credit score simulations, which can help consumers understand and improve their credit scores.
- Credit unions and banks: Some credit unions and banks offer free credit scores to their members or customers. To check your credit score through a credit union or bank, you will typically need to be a member or customer of the institution. You may be able to view your credit score online through the institution’s online banking portal or mobile app, or you may need to visit a branch or contact customer service to request a copy of your credit score.
Read More: How a New Credit Card Affects Your Credit Score
Bottom line:
It is important to note that the credit score you get from different sources may vary slightly, as different sources may use different credit scoring models and may not have access to the same information. However, they should all give you a good idea of your overall credit standing.